Impacts Perflection® Concentrated Solar Panels (CST) are readily combined with proven, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment such as thermal storage and heat exchangers from well-established reputable international manufacturers, to power multiple applications with minimum technology or commercial risk.
Hot Water
Fixed Impacts- GREENoneTEC solar thermal panels delivering up to 95°C, complete with Heat exchanger/storage system. Duration of storage will determine storage design and type.

Photo courtesy of Thermax
Process Heat & Steam
Impacts Perflection® CST panels, with horizontal tracking, in models of either 250°C, 350°C or 400°C capability, complete with Heat Exchanger/Storage system. Duration of storage will determine design and type.

Chilling & Refrigeration
The addition of a Chilling/Refrigeration module to the Hot Water/Steam and 24×7 Storage system delivers a “co-generation” mode system capable of delivering both hot water/steam and chilling for a manufacturing processing facility.

Water Remediation
COTS Water Remediation units can be powered by the Impacts Perflection® CST Panels with horizontal tracking, in models of either 250°C, 350°C or 400°C capability, complete with Heat Exchanger and 24×7 Storage system.

For applications such as mine de-watering, Rankine cycle pumps, powered by the Impacts Perflection® CST Panels with horizontal tracking, in models of either 250°C, 350°C or 400°C capability, complete with Heat Exchanger and 24×7 Storage system will provide the de-watering capability.

For applications such as grain or timber drying, COTS or bespoke drying units will be powered by the Impacts Perflection® CST Panels with horizontal tracking, in models of either 250°C, 350°C or 400°C capability, complete with Heat Exchanger and 24×7 Storage system.

Solar Enhanced Waste Energy Recovery - SEWER™
Currently under development, Impacts SEWERTM is a Hydrothermal Carbonisation (HTC), Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) or Hydrothermal Gasification process in which the Impacts CST system provides the energy to convert feedstocks such as organic waste from plants or manure:
- Bio-coal via HTC
- Biodiesel / Bio-oil via HTL
- Biogas / Syngas.
for 30-75% less than the cost of non-renewable fuels such as natural gas, LPG, diesel and oil, and at a price competitive with coal.

For applications requiring electricity, Rankine cycle turbines, powered by the Impacts Perflection® CST Panels with horizontal tracking, in models of either 250°C, 350°C or 400°C capability, complete with Heat Exchanger and 24×7 Storage system will provide the electrical generation. This may be configured with other applications such that a correctly sized system functions as a co-generation or tri-generation facility.

Key Technologies and Products Under Development
- Impacts patented Perflection Ultra © High-temperature Concentrated Solar Thermal panel. Perflection Ultra is the world’s first high temperature panel able to reach temperatures of 400°C. Perflection Ultra is the same size but half the thickness and half the weight of a photovoltaic panel and is currently undergoing advanced prototype manufacture (Currently being commercialised).
- Impacts proprietary Solar Enhanced Waste Energy Recovery (SEWER) © technology. Impacts’ SEWER technology utilises high-temperature Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) energy to drive highly efficient hydrothermal carbonisation and liquification processes, to produce solid and liquid transportable and storable fuels from agricultural and municipal organic lignocellulosic wastes and effluent otherwise destined for landfill. The technology is currently entering the research phase with our university partners.
- Green hydrogen production. Impacts has put in place the necessary building blocks and capabilities to allow us to become a leader in the production of affordable green hydrogen, using high-temperature solar thermal steam electrolysis (STSE). We are currently finalising a partnership agreement with a global leader in the supply of solar salt, and with extensive interests in ammonia and green hydrogen production.